Team Manager Duties

  1. Hold a team meeting. Discuss parent behavior and expectations for the season.
  2. The IYHA board will provide you with Consent to Treat and Code of Conduct forms for your players. Please put these forms in a binder and bring to every practice and game. 
  3. The IYHA registrar will send you your T1 Roster, you will need your roster for tournament registrations and a copy should be placed in your binder.
  4. Schedule any games needed (an IYHA board member may schedule your 16 Q games). There are 4 home games that will need to be scheduled in addition to your 8 home Q games. Any other date that your team is available can be scheduled for tournaments and other away games.
  5. Confirm all games with the opposing team in advance. (For Snowbelt games, if you no show, it’s a $300 fine to our association)
  6. You should be sending weekly emails to your team confirming practice schedules for that week and upcoming games for the weekend. Also, include any reminders for the team.
  7. Coordinate with the IYHA treasurer for Ref payments weekly
  8. 10U: $45
  9. 12U: $55
  10. 14U: $65
  11. 18U: $75
  12. Report any Home game changes to the IYHA ref scheduler
  13. Provide all score sheets for home games. These will be given to you at the beginning of the season. (Additional score sheets can be requested from the IYHA board)
  14. You must provide the following off ice officials for every home games: (You can assign parents, or ask for volunteers)
  15. Score Keeper
  16. Instructional video on how to fill out the score sheets (
  17. Roster Labels (See instructions linked below)
  18. Timekeeper/Scoreboard
  19. Penalty Box Note: You also can request the visiting team have someone to man their penalty box
  20. Report all Q games
  21. Snowbelt
  22. Report the game using the Snowbelt Game Code here:
  23. Upload a copy of the original white scoresheet here (you can either scan or take a picture of the sheet):
  24. Tournament Bound
  25. Track Players attendance for qualifying games.
  26. Snowbelt
  27. Each player must play in at least 75% of the Q games to be eligible for the end of season tournament
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